magnetic field

The American Magfield Power Revolution

The American Magfield Power Revolution

American metro areas, renowned for its towering skyscrapers and bustling streets, may soon witness a transformative shift in its energy infrastructure. A groundbreaking innovation in solid-state technology, such as a microwave oven sized magnetic field power generator called a Magfield may be here soon. This marvel of engineering development harnesses the Earth's ever-present magnetic field to generate vast amounts of clean, sustainable energy, rendering traditional power plants and fossil fuels obsolete. At the forefront of this revolution has been a dream team of visionary scientists and engineers who are committed to unlocking the immense potential of using the Earth's magnetic…
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Are Humans Receiving Thoughts From Alternate Realities Of Ourselves?

Are Humans Receiving Thoughts From Alternate Realities Of Ourselves?

In the quiet corners of our minds, where thoughts come and go like shadows in the night, there exists a phenomenon that science has struggled to explain for centuries. It is the enigma of errant thoughts, those peculiar musings that seem to spring forth from the depths of our subconscious, often as fleeting and perplexing as a dream upon waking. What if these errant thoughts were far more than random flukes of the mind? What if they were, in fact, messages from alternate realities of ourselves. What if the other 90% of our brain is used to process these "thoughtmissions"?…
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