March 26, 2025 USA

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Are humans receiving thoughts from ourselves in alternate realities

Are Humans Receiving Thoughts From Alternate Realities Of Ourselves?

In the quiet corners of our minds, where thoughts come and go like shadows in the night, there exists a phenomenon that science has struggled to explain for centuries. It is the enigma of errant thoughts, those peculiar musings that seem to spring forth from the depths of our subconscious, often as fleeting and perplexing as a dream upon waking. What if these errant thoughts were far more than random flukes of the mind? What if they were, in fact, messages from alternate realities of ourselves. What if the other 90% of our brain is used to process these “thoughtmissions“?

Humans use approximately 10% of our brain. What if the rest is to “process” signals from other realities? The peculiar evolution of humanity on Earth could explain this laten natural phenomenon. Our home planet has always possessed a magnetic field that wraps around it like a protective cloak, shielding us from the harsh cosmic radiation that bombards space. Over millions of years, as our species developed, this magnetic field played an unintended role in the expansion of our cognitive capabilities. Humans even possess natural Magnetite structures in our brain tissue that may interact with our magnetic field in some way we may interpret as errant thoughts.

In the hidden annals of history so far, Earth became an anomaly in the cosmos possessing the only known sentient beings. Our human brain, ever adaptable and resourceful, evolved in response to the magnetic field’s influence. Our ancestors’ brains, which had once been limited in processing capacity, began to expand, developing intricate neural networks that reached deep into the recesses of the mind.

Knowing that every errant thought, no matter how bizarre or unexplained, maybe a window into the lives of countless alternate selves, bred empathy and understanding.

Unbeknownst to us, these neural networks maybe acting as a “Neuro” antennae, capable of receiving transmissions from alternate realities that mirrored our own existence. Each time we experienced an errant thought, it was a momentary glimpse into the mind of an alternate self, residing in a parallel universe. These thoughts were not random; they were the unfiltered transmissions from the thoughts, emotions, and experiences of alternate versions of ourselves.

In one fleeting moment, you might entertain the idea of quitting your job to pursue an artistic passion, only to dismiss it as an idle fancy. In another, you might entertain a whimsical thought about a lover you’ve never met, a place you’ve never been, or a choice you’ve never made. These errant thoughts, seemingly irrational or even perverse, were nothing less than echoes from alternate realities.

As humanity’s understanding of its own consciousness grows, scientists begin to probe the mysteries of these errant thoughts. Some discovered that meditation and mindfulness practices allowed individuals to attune their minds more clearly to these transmissions, receiving insights and creative bursts that had previously eluded them. Artists, in particular, found themselves able to channel these alternate perspectives into their work, creating masterpieces that transcended the boundaries of their own realities.

Yet, with great knowledge comes great responsibility. Humanity has to tread carefully. Not all errant thoughts are benign, and some revealed dark facets of existence that were best left unexplored. But we as People have evolved with natural and latent techniques to filter and control the influx of alternate thoughtmissions, ensuring that own reality remained our primary focus. But that is not the case for all humans. Makes one wonder if ailments such as Schizophrenia or other chronological disorders that distort ones reality —may play a role in this.

But with these revelations came a profound sense of interconnectedness among all humans. Knowing that every errant thought, no matter how bizarre or unexplained, maybe a window into the lives of countless alternate selves, bred empathy and understanding. We realized that we were not alone in our struggles and triumphs, and that every choice we made rippled through the multiverse, touching the lives of others in ways we could never fully comprehend.

And so, the mystery of errant thoughts may yet reveal the astonishing truth that we are not solitary beings, confined to a single existence, but rather threads woven into the vast tapestry of the multiverse. As we gazed into the boundless expanse of human potential, we marveled at the infinite possibilities that lay before us, fueled by the thoughtmissions that connected us to alternate realities we could only begin to imagine.

Photo by AWF