February 22, 2025 USA

Blog Post

How America Fell In Love With Valentine’s Day Martyrdom

Valentine’s Day, once a solemn observance, has evolved into a celebration of romance and love in the United States. The holiday’s transformation from a religious feast day to a romantic occasion is a fascinating journey through history. Historians trace the origins of Valentine’s Day back to ancient Rome, where mid-February marked the celebration of Lupercalia, […]

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High Crimes and Marijuana Legalization

For nearly a century, the criminalization of marijuana in the United States has been a topic of contentious debate, shaped by various cultural, political, and economic factors. From its initial demonization to its gradual acceptance in recent years, the journey of marijuana through the corridors of legality reflects the ever-evolving attitudes and policies of American […]

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Why it’s Time to Expand the Supreme Court

In a historic departure from tradition, a groundswell of voices is advocating for a significant overhaul of the United States Supreme Court—a move that involves expanding the highest judicial body from its current nine justices to thirteen. The proposition has ignited a vigorous national debate, with proponents asserting not only the constitutional validity of such […]

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New York Fashion Week History

The History of New York Fashion Week, also known as NYFW, is one of the world’s most prestigious and influential fashion events has humble beginnings. The event is held twice a year, in February and September, and is attended by designers, buyers, journalists, celebrities, and fashion lovers from around the world. Here is a brief […]

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