
How Bernie Sanders Progressively Changed The Democratic Party

How Bernie Sanders Progressively Changed The Democratic Party

Senator Bernie Sanders, the self-described democratic socialist from Vermont, has played a pivotal role in reshaping the Democratic Party over the last decade. Once considered an outsider with radical ideas, Sanders' influence has brought a seismic shift within the party, pushing it toward a more progressive agenda that emphasizes economic justice, healthcare for all, and corporate accountability. His two presidential campaigns, particularly his 2016 run against Hillary Clinton, have had a lasting impact on the Democratic platform, with many of his populist ideas now embraced and expanded by current party leaders, including Vice President Kamala Harris and Congressman Tim Walz.…
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How Bad Cops Tarnish Law Enforcement’s Reputation

How Bad Cops Tarnish Law Enforcement’s Reputation

Law enforcement is one of society’s most crucial institutions, responsible for maintaining order and protecting citizens. The overwhelming majority of police officers are dedicated professionals who risk their lives to serve their communities. However, the actions of a few bad cops have severely damaged the reputation of police forces across the country. Good cops inadvertently allow bad cops to burn down their collective reputation. What can be done to address this pervasive issue? High-profile cases of police misconduct have become alarmingly frequent, capturing national attention and sparking widespread outrage. Incidents involving excessive use of force, racial profiling, and corruption undermine…
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Kamala Harris Sees Weakness In Donald Trump

Kamala Harris Sees Weakness In Donald Trump

Kamala Harris, the first female, Black, and South Asian Vice President of the United States, has breathed new life into the Democratic Party and posed significant challenges to the Republican stronghold, particularly the faction led by convicted felon & republican candidate Donald Trump. Her candidacy and subsequent vice presidency have underscored a pivotal shift in American politics, one that has highlighted issues of racism, bigotry, and misogyny in our national discourse. Harris' rise to prominence marks a historic milestone for the Democratic Party, invigorating its base with a message of diversity and inclusion. Her background as the daughter of immigrants…
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How Racism Is Projection of Insecurity & Inability

How Racism Is Projection of Insecurity & Inability

Racism, a persistent blight on societies worldwide, is often regarded as an overt expression of prejudice and discrimination based on race. However, a deeper examination reveals that racism is more than just a baseless bias; it is fundamentally an admission of one’s inability to compete on merit. When individuals or groups resort to undermining others based on race, they inadvertently acknowledge their own shortcomings and insecurities. At its core, meritocracy values skills, abilities, and achievements, rewarding individuals based on their performance and contributions. In a truly meritocratic system, success is determined by effort, talent, and dedication, irrespective of one’s background.…
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A Roman Emperor created a Bible to keep an Empire

A Roman Emperor created a Bible to keep an Empire

Constantine the Great, the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity, wielded his influence not just on the battlefield and in the political arena but also in the realm of religion. His actions and policies fundamentally altered the course of Christianity and played a crucial role in shaping the Bible as we know it today. His motivations were deeply entwined with his vision of a unified Roman Empire under a single faith, a strategy aimed at consolidating power and fostering unity among his diverse subjects. Born around AD 272, Constantine rose to power during a period of significant turmoil and…
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The History of Memorial Day in the United States

The History of Memorial Day in the United States

Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States that honors and mourns military personnel who have died in service to the country. This somber day, observed on the last Monday of May, has a rich history rooted in the aftermath of the Civil War, evolving over time into a national tradition of remembrance. The origins of Memorial Day date back to the Civil War, which claimed more lives than any other conflict in U.S. history, necessitating the establishment of the country’s first national cemeteries. In the late 1860s, Americans in various towns and cities began holding springtime tributes…
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Why Do Employers Expect Free Hours From Employees?

Why Do Employers Expect Free Hours From Employees?

The concept of being on salary has undergone a significant evolution. Once synonymous with stability and a fixed income, being on salary has increasingly come to mean unlimited availability and blurred lines between work and personal time. But when did this shift occur, and why? Historically, being on salary meant receiving a predetermined amount of compensation for a specified number of hours worked per week, typically 40 hours. However, as industries became more competitive and technology advanced, the boundaries between work and personal life began to blur. With the rise of smartphones and remote work capabilities, employees found themselves constantly…
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How Gays Helped Win World War II

How Gays Helped Win World War II

Alan Turing, a mathematician, logician, and cryptanalyst, played a pivotal role in shaping the outcome of World War II. His contributions to code-breaking and the development of computing laid the foundation for modern technology and altered the course of history. However, Turing's story is not just one of intellectual brilliance; it is also a testament to the resilience and contributions of the LGBTQ+ community during a time of adversity. Born on June 23, 1912, in Maida Vale, London, Turing demonstrated exceptional intellectual prowess from an early age. Educated at Cambridge University, his groundbreaking work in mathematics and logic earned him…
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Inflation Gives Rise To DIY Consumers

Inflation Gives Rise To DIY Consumers

As corporations continue to engage in price inflation, they risk undermining their own bottom line in the long term. The phenomenon of soaring prices for goods and services has prompted many Americans to explore alternatives, sparking a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) movement that challenges traditional consumerism. This shift not only impacts current sales but also threatens future customer retention. In recent years, consumers have witnessed steady increases in the prices of everyday essentials, from groceries to housing and healthcare. While some inflation is natural, corporations have exacerbated the situation by implementing aggressive pricing strategies, often prioritizing short-term profits over customer loyalty. As…
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How America came to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day

How America came to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick's Day, celebrated annually on March 17th, is a cultural and religious holiday honoring the patron saint of Ireland, St. Patrick. While it originated as a religious feast day in Ireland, it has evolved over centuries into a global celebration of Irish culture, heritage, and identity, including in the United States. The holiday's origins can be traced back to the early 17th century. St. Patrick, born in Roman Britain in the late 4th century, is credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland. He reportedly used the three-leaf shamrock to explain the concept of the Holy Trinity to the Irish people.…
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